Friday, April 24, 2020

My Letter to Bob


856 Capsicum st


Hi bob it's Priya i'm in Hawaii right now yes I said Hawaii. I know you said not to go but it is so much fun here I went snorkelling with the fish and I ended up eating five snow cones! Also they gave me a coconut when I got out of the plane. I’m very sorry that I went when you said not too I might be in big trouble but it was just really tempting to come here. It looked so nice in the photos. Also Rylee is flying from Brazil we will meet at Honolulu beach. We are going to go surfing and zip lining. I heard that the zipping place is pretty good.Gotta go Bob I will keep you updated bye.

Yours Sincerely



  1. Very interesting letter with lots of detail. I hope you enjoyed your trip. Still not doing as you are told!

  2. That sounds like it would be a wonderful holiday.


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