Sunday, December 29, 2019

S.L.J 2019/2020

School Strike for Climate

For this activity, we would like you to explore the School Strike for Climate Australia website.

On your blog, list three facts (things) that you learned, and include a photograph of something that you are doing around home to help the environment.

Things I learnt

They are students from across Australia

Climate change is the biggest problem in the world

Most of the people have never met in person

   I use a reusable bag when I go shopping 

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Priya,

    It is awesome to see that you have learnt a few things about climate change and what the School Strike 4 Climate is all about too.

    It is great to see that you use reusable bags too. With the banning of plastic bags in supermarkets across the country, I have seen a lot of people changing to these reusable bags too. I think it is great. How about you? Every little bit we do helps. Why do you think it is so important for us all to be kinder to our environment?

    Another great post. You are doing a fantastic job on the SLJ activities so far.



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