Friday, December 20, 2019

S.L.J 2019/2020

For this activity, we would like you to imagine that you had the chance to interview LeBron James, Steven Adams or another basketball player of your choice.

My  questions too  Lebron James I picked Lebron James because I don’t really know much about basketball and I have heard a lot of people talking about Lebron James and I know a little bit about him myself.

My questions are 

How did you find out basketball was what you wanted to do?

At what age did you start playing basketball?

Did your family support you playing basketball ?

What is the biggest achievement and your biggest goal of yours?

Why Basketball?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Priya

    Well done for choosing some great questions to ask Le Bron James. Even if you don't know much about basketball, usually people have at least heard of Le Bron just like you!
    He would be one of the most famous out of all the basketball players.
    You have got some great questions to ask him. It would be really great to hear his answers to these.

    Great work Priya, you are doing a really great job with all of your activities. Keep it up!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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