Thursday, September 5, 2019

Baking On Thursdays

A couple of weeks ago Jess decided that she wanted to do some baking. She wrote a letter to the teacher and Mrs Dodds said that it was a good idea. Jess and I have been organising what we bake each week and what we need. Before we started we needed to find out who has food allergies so we knew the food was safe for everyone.

 first week Jess and I made waffles with one group from the senior class and the junior class. The week after that they made banana and chocolate chip muffins they were a blast we ended up making sixty of them. This is the third week and we are making wedges. Also the potatoes will come from school garden.

Each group gets one turn at making something and we might also continue this next term.

Here is a photo of what we baked last week.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pryia for including all the students in your baking projects. I like the way you checked out allergies before you started and have made sure that these are catered for.
    You are Jess are very organised and have the next weeks project planned and ready to go on Tuesday so we can head to the supermarket and getting the shopping done.
    Keep up the great work!


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