Tuesday, January 7, 2020

S.L.J 2019/2020

Activity 2: Overcoming Adversity [4 points]

For this activity, we would like to hear about a time when you, or someone you know, experienced a challenge and overcame it.

This is about me when I came to NZ and started school

My first day of school at Kumara School was funny now that I think about it but at that time it was a big challenge. I’m from Fiji and I came to New Zealand when I was 3 and at that point I couldn't speak English. When it was my 5th birthday and it came to my first day of school visits I was with my dad and I told my dad that I don’t want too got to this school I have absolutely no idea what they are saying. I don’t want to go to this school. But a few months later I did it.


  1. Hi Priya,

    Thank you for sharing about your first day of school. I can understand how this would have been a challenge for you. It is a challenge for a lot of kids starting school, but you also had the added challenge of not being able to speak English very well. I am so happy to hear that you eventually felt comfortable to go to school and it sounds like you are very happy there now. Especially now that you have made lots of friends and are able to speak and understand English really well. You should be very proud of yourself and how far you have come.

    What advice would you give to someone in a similar position as you were (someone who is starting a new school in a new country)?

    I really enjoyed reading this post. Ka pai!


  2. Hi Priya
    I didn't know this story Priya and I think it's pretty cool that you were brave enough to go to school. You speak very good English and you have learn't it quite well.
    Hayley :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.