Monday, January 6, 2020

S.L.J 2019/2020

Activity 1: The World Wide Web [4 points]

For this activity please take screenshots of four different websites that you find helpful for your learning. They can be websites that you use in class or websites that you use on your own at home. Present the screenshots as a poster or put them into a presentation.


  1. Hi Priya
    Great job on this great post. I like how you have added a description of why you like using these websites. I have never used thesaurus or ducksters before. Which of these websites do you like the best?
    Keep it up

  2. Hi Priya,

    Leisha here again!

    Thank you for sharing the four websites you find most helpful. I had never heard of Ducksters before so I had a quick look. It looks great! Do you use this website at school or at home? Thesaurus is very useful. I will use it to help me find inspiration and interesting words to use too. Google and Youtube are both at the top of my list of favourite websites too!

    If you had to choose one website as your favourite, what would it be?



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.