Tuesday, December 24, 2019

S.L.J 2019/2020

Sachin Tendulkari

 I picked Sachin Tendulkari because when I was reading the names to choose from that name kinda stood out and I kinda just said to myself I know that name.

Sachin Tendulkari

Sachin Tendulkari is a indian cricket player. He has the highest number of runs. Sachin has also had a movie based on him. He has become a role model for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Priya

    You have certainly chosen someone who is very well known in the cricket world. He is very famous and a very good cricketer when he was playing.
    He was the captain of the Indian team for a long time. He had the nickname of 'the little general' because he was such a good and hard working captain that always led by example.

    Great choice, the only thing I would say is it would have been good to add an image of him so that people could see who you are talking about.

    Another activity completed! You are going really well. Mr Fogarty and Mrs Dodds will be very proud of your effort!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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